4 Questions About Sleep Apnea

Are you one of the many adults that suffer from sleep apnea? Then you may not be getting the rest that you need when you go to sleep at night. Thankfully, there are some solutions to help you with this problem where your upper airways are being narrowed and causing you to have breathing problems. Here are some questions you're likely to have about sleep apnea, as well as the treatment options.

Why Do People Suffer From Sleep Apnea?

The narrowing of your upper airways can be caused by something as simple as a large tongue, which is physically blocking the pathway of air that is needed to breathe comfortably at night. People with a deviated septum can also have that pathway narrowed due to the way that their nose is structured. Other problems such as old age, allergies, and weight gain are also contributing factors as well. 

What Are The Risks Of Not Treating Sleep Apnea?

Having sleep apnea doesn't mean that you are just not getting a good sleep at night, since it can also lead to health issues that you may not be aware of. Sleep apnea is known to increase a person's risk of hypertension, heart attacks, brain strokes, and even coronary artery disease. Your risk of these problems can all be brought down by treating your sleep apnea.

How Do You Know If You Suffer From Sleep Apnea?

You'll likely already know that you have trouble with breathing at night and may even wake up in the middle of the night gasping for air. However, it can also lead to a poor quality of sleep, which leads to being sleepy during the day, having headaches early in the morning, difficulty concentrating, and even signs of mood swings or depression.

How Do You Treat Sleep Apnea?

A common way to treat sleep apnea is a CPAP machine, which is a mask that is worn over your face and pushes air into your airways so that you are breathing properly at night. However, this is not a comfortable option that works for all people. You can also have a dental appliance custom-made to fit your mouth, which keeps your mouth open in a specific way that allows air to easily pass through your airways. Using a device that moves your jaw into a different position can make a huge difference in getting better quality sleep at night and alleviate sleep apnea symptoms. 

For more information about sleep apnea oral appliances, contact a local dental office.
